über random…

written by: cyn knight

day: 21.2
humpity humps kittens!

wow, mid-week already??
is it just me or is this week flying???

so i made a decision…
(yeah another one… heh.)
i am rejoining weight watchers.
i never wanted to quit – but i needed the time off to get the chaos is a reasonable order and work out a better budget.
i have done that & i will be attending my first meeting this friday @ 10am!
(yes, i know i said i was changing my weigh-in day to monday but tricia my leader only has an early week meeting on tuesday, which is skylar’s dance class, and i insist on attending ONLY her meetings – so friday it is!)
i do love myfitnesspal and think it’s an amazing site, but weight watchers is the ONLY weight loss program that has ever really worked for me & if it ain’t broke, why fix it???
so there ya have it & i am super psyched to be returning!!!

moving along…
even though my pool was officially closed over a week ago (sooo depressing…) i have been holding on to summer like there is no tomorrow.
and then…
i saw this on my walk/jog/run/ today…

hello fall foliage!

AND this while out shopping…
whiskey tango foxtrot!?!?!
can we not have halloween at least before xmas is being shoved down our throats?
retail hell gets more hellish by the nanosecond & here i was this morning filling out applications for seasonal help in one of previously mentioned hells.
not the job i want but santa
(and everything else) is expensive!

so i have been trying to catch up on my fave blogs and such and i was really saddened to see peeps have altogether quit blogging, haven’t in awhile, or haven’t in a really long while!
i am such an ass for not knowing this… and am sad to see some peeps not around.
but i also just wanna say YAY for all of you who are still out there bloggin’ like a MoFo!
(any new blogs ya wanna suggest — feel free!)
and anyone who wants to swaps buttons — lemme know and i will add ya to my *bitchin’ blogs* tab!

ohhh and one final thing…
i so needed a haircut in the worst way.
if you have been following since the purple goddess days you might remember my *day of beauty* i got for my 41st bday.
well, i am embarrassed to say that is the last time i stepped foot in a salon and that is welllllll over a year ago.
so needless to say i have been trimming my own hair all this time.
yeah, i am THAT girl.
but today i decided enough is enough and let a professional work some magic and went in a whole new direction as i have had the same hair for longer than i should even admit.
this is my new ‘do & i love it!!!
(don’t mind the shitty pic)

awww bangs!

one friend told me i look ten years younger and that is probably the best compliment ANY woman in her 40s (and above) can get!
change is good peeps!

are you guilty of a hair rut like i was?
have you ever considered a drastic change?
new cut?
new color??

anywho, happy humps kittens!

peace, l♥ve & margaritas bloggy peeps!

*** can’t get enough of my ass?
find me on FACEBOOK & TWITTER for even more ass!

11 thoughts on “über random…

  1. Loving how the new hair frames your face!
    As for fall, it’s my favorite season. Until this year. I feel like we didn’t have a summer. HHH blog has a beautiful quote today. What it should have read was this: “Stop mocking me you leaf. You orange and red leaf. With your redness and orangeness. You are dying and I don’t like it. So stop it. You get back on that tree and you get green!” Yep, I’m a spaz. 🙂

    • soooooo agreed – i miss the old days when you barely saw Xmas stuff before thanksgiving – never mind well over a month before halloween! grrrrr!

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